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Raleigh, NC Rosen Law Firm advising clients on a law that could affect their careers and hobbies. non custodial parents who have not been keeping up with their payments of child support could find their ability to hunt reduced in accordance with state law designed to punish deadbeat parents.

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Law GS 50 13.12, which is ten years, says a judge may revoke the hunting license of a person if the person fails to pay child support. Judges may cancel other privileges, including driving and professional licenses. License Act says that "the detention may be considered non payment or failure to subpoena a child in determining child support, paternity proceedings."

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The question is whether the cancellation of licenses is a good incentive for parents to keep up with payments on the child. "For many people in North Carolina, hunting is a popular entertainment," says Lee Rosen, a board certified family law specialist and president of Rosen Law Firm. "Telling parents will have to pay alimony, sometimes not enough you need to threaten them if their life will be less because of it."
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